Providing access to free Resource Fairs is at the heart of our Summit. We are excited to offer opportunities for you to connect with services and resources that matter to you. As always, there is no cost to attend our Summit and Resource Fairs. This year, there will be three Resource Fairs to choose from.

The daytime Resource Fairs on Thursday, April 18th and Friday, April 19th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM will feature organizations that offer disability and mental health supports and services.

New this year, our Futures Fair on the evening of Thursday, April 18th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, will showcase organizations that offer transition to adulthood disability and mental health resources only.

Here are the organizations you will see at our daytime Summit Resource Fairs:

211 United Way of Southwestern PA

ACCESS Transportation


Allegheny Children’s Initiative

Allegheny County Department of Human Services

Allegheny Health Network

Allegheny Intermediate Unit Special Education and Pupil Services Division

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

AmeriHealth Caritas Community HealthChoices **

Apraxia Kids **


Autism Connection of PA

Autism Pittsburgh

Autism Speaks

Awaken Pittsburgh

Band Together Pittsburgh *

Bender Leadership Academy


Center for OCD and Anxiety

Changing Spaces **

Chartiers Center

Community Care Behavioral Health Organization

Community Living And Support Services (CLASS)

Disability Pride PA

Disability Rights Pennsylvania

DON Disability Options Network

Easterseals Western and Central Pennsylvania

Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh

EmpowerU Specialty Fitness **

Eruption Athletics **

Every Child, Inc. *

Evolve Coaching *

Familylinks *

Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania

Highmark Wholecare

Hope Grows


Intervention Fundamentals FCMC

LAMP/Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians

Mainstay Life Services

Mental Health America of SWPA

Miracle League of the South Hills *

NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services

Outreach Teen and Family Services

PA Connecting Communities

PA Department of Labor & Industry/Commonwealth Technical Institute at the Hiram G. Andrews Center

PA Tourette Syndrome Alliance **

Pace School

Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania

Partners For Quality

PEAL Center

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation

Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission

Pennsylvania State Treasury

Pittsburgh Regional Transit *


Pressley Ridge **

Psychological Perspectives LLC

Ruder Law

Slippery Rock University *

Southwood Hospital

St Clair Hospital Psychiatric Services Department

Team Foster **

TEIS-EI Early Intervention *

The Arc of Pennsylvania

The Branch *

The Children’s Institute

The Cohen Military Family Clinic at the University of Pennsylvania

The Provider Alliance

Three Rivers Rowing Association

Trying Together

UniqueSource Products & Services

United Spinal Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh REAACT Program/Autism Center of Excellence *

UPMC Disabilities Resource Center

UPMC Western Behavioral Health

Variety the Children’s Charity

Wesley Family Services

Western Pennsylvania Disability History and Action Consortium

* Thursday only
**Friday only

Exhibitors without an * or ** will be exhibiting on both Thursday and Friday during the 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Resource Fairs.

Note: Due to the popularity of our daytime Resource Fairs, our exhibitor applications are now closed. However, if your organization would like to be placed on the waitlist, please click here. Additionally, no items are permitted to be sold at our resource fairs.


Our Thursday evening Futures Fair will include a variety of organizations that may be of interest to transition age youth and their families, including education, employment, social/recreational opportunities, and support services.

Here is just some of what you will find there:


Allegheny County Office of Behavioral Health

Band Together

Bender Leadership Academy

Café Momentum

Community College of Allegheny County

Cookie Cookie Ice Cream

Creative Citizen Studios

CVS Training Center

Eruption Athletics

Evolve Coaching

Friendship Circle/Bunny Bakes

Industrial Arts Workshops

Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh (JCC)

Locally Served

NAMI Keystone PA

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)

Open Up Pittsburgh

PA Connecting Communities

Pittsburgh Job Corps

ReSolve Crisis Services

Robert Morris University

Rosedale Technical College

Simcoach Games

Slippery Rock University

South Hills Stars

Spectrum Fudge/Three Birch Trees

Three Rivers Rowing Adaptive Programs

Transitional Options

UPMC Center for Assistive Technology

Wesley Family Services

Woodlands Foundation

12th Annual Disability & Mental Health Summit

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