Assistive Technology Fair

Thursday, May 8, 10 AM – 2 PM

Foerster Student Services Center, CCAC Allegheny Campus

839 Ridge Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Assistive Technology (AT) can open doorways of opportunity, access, and independence for people with disabilities and mental health concerns, and the options for AT have expanded greatly over what was available just a few years ago. Join us on Thursday, May 8, and explore AT options that range from low-tech to high-tech! 


Futures Fairs

This year we have TWO exciting opportunities for teens and young adults to connect with programs and organizations that will help them plan for their life after school. We will be hosting two Futures Fairs this spring, an evening fair in the South Hills and a daytime fair at CCAC. Both events will offer educational, employment, housing, leisure, and support resources for young people with disabilities and mental health challenges. 

South Hills Futures Fair – Thursday, April 24, 5-8 PM

Castle Shannon Fire Hall

3600 Library Rd., Pittsburgh, PA, 15234


Join us from 5-6 PM for an hour of musical performances by Band Together Pittsburgh. Band Together Pittsburgh is an organization that creates music with people on the autism spectrum and provides innovative programming, experiences, and vocational opportunities to enhance their lives.

From 6-8 PM, our Futures Fair will be in full swing. You can visit with a variety of organizations that offer services and supports to help you as you make plans for your adult life.


Summit Futures Fair – Friday, May 9, 11 AM-1 PM

Physical Education Building – Gymnasium, CCAC Allegheny Campus

845 Ridge Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212


Here’s another opportunity to network with providers and organizations that provide services, programs, and supports for students who are moving from school to adult life. Join us to learn about all kinds of opportunities for education, employment, social/recreational activities, community supports, and more. 

12th Annual Disability & Mental Health Summit

This website is owned by Dan Miller and is not maintained at taxpayer expense. Contact us at disabilitysummit@gmail.com. Site by Thirteen Ball.